Pointing the Way to Better Eyesight
OK. Sunning for better eyesight? Brace yourself for this one.
The Bates Method says sunlight is good for you.
Sunlight is good for your eyes too! Sunning, when done properly, is completely safe and brings rest and relaxation to your eyes.
Of course, there are dangers of too much sunlight and particular wavelengths of sunlight such as ultra violet; however, under most circumstances the sun is not to be feared and can serve as a wonderful tool to help bring visual relaxation and develop a tolerance to light sensitivity.
The Bates Method uses sunlight, and sunning techniques, to do just that. I want to share with you a sunning technique that is beneficial. And when done properly, brings no harm whatsoever.
Look up and away. Breathe. Blink. Then come back!
Your eyes are organs of light, which means they function with contrasts of light and dark. Light rays bounce off of objects and enter your eyes.
Allowing the sun to fall onto your closed lids is a very effective way of bringing about relaxation to the eyes and mind.
It soaks your eyes in warmth, and it gives you a chance to allow the light to enter your eyes through closed lids, without the strain of trying to see and interpret things!
In some ways, it’s the opposite of palming. Both activities give your mind a break from trying to see the world out there, but with palming, you are excluding all light. When palming correctly, you only see a black field, the blackest of black.
While sunning for better eyesight, you also remove the strain of trying to see by closing your eyes... but you allow the light to enter your visual system through closed eye lids.
It’s a very passive activity, Imagine light rays just fall onto your eye lids.
You don’t have to do anything in particular to make the light rays hit your eyes, except position yourself correctly of course.
Likewise, with the act of seeing, which is also very passive, light rays bounce of of objects and just enter your eyes. You don’t have to try and do anything in particular to allow light rays to enter your visual system... whether your eyes are open or closed.
The Bates Method teaches that to see clearly, you simply have to open your eyes and allow those light rays that have bounced off the objects in the world to enter your eyes. Of course, you still have to position yourself correctly.
While sunning, that means positioning your body so that the sun is hitting your closed lids. With the act of seeing, this correct orientation has everything to do with using the center of your sight for clear vision.
Simply open your eyes, orient to the center of sight, and allow. You don’t have to strain and try anything in particular!
Remember that the interpretation of those light rays that enter your eyes happens in your mind! It happens in your brain, and so to do anything in particular with your eyes, really just becomes a strain.
The practice of sunning for better eyesight allows you to get into the habit of allowing things to passively enter your visual system.
And to see clearly, you simply have to open your eyes, forget about your eyes, and just imagine things coming into your mind, rather than reaching out and searching for things with your eyes.
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This technique is as simple as finding a comfortable spot, either sitting or standing, where the sunlight is able to fall onto your closed lids. That's it, almost.
...gently move your head and neck back and forth in an easy rhythmic manner, just like when practicing swinging.
You are Not staring at the sun!
Simply allow the sun to fall on your closed lids while gently moving your head back and forth.
Sun frequently, Sun for short periods of time, Sun for long periods of time.
Sun everyday.
Practice the Bates Method technique of Sunning as long as it is bringing you relaxation.